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The hybrid future of scholar education.
The digital skills we need to cope with complexity
Co-funded by the European Union
01-12-2021 to 31-10-2023
Nowadays, in order to design new educational orientations and resources to develop innovative environments in education, efforts are being made to provide education in the form of formal, informal, or non-formal aiming at disseminating e-life cultures from pre-primary education institutions to tertiary education and to ensure its continuity. In addition, computer-based education practices and internet-based projects have been developed in schools to develop student-centered teaching transfer studies from teacher-centered instruction. Decisions and implementations of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasingly taking place within the educational policies of our country, which is in the process of the European Union Council's 2020 Strategic Targets and the process of accession to the European Union. EU countries transfer huge financial resources and implement practices for integrating ICT into education in order to strengthen their economic and technological development. The implementations and projects such as the introduction of smart boards, computers, and internet facilities in schools, the development of school network and management systems by Info pack, SEPIE National program of reforms in Spain projects, etc. the realization of e-learning applications by providing digital literacy of all students and teachers, etc... have taken place within the educational policies of both the EU and our country in various time periods. Teachers, who are the stakeholders of education, are in a key position in achieving the highest possible benefits of using technology in schools. In light of all these developments, what is expected from today's schools is to educate individuals who are equipped with the skills of using and accessing information effectively. The function of computers is increasing day by day and this influences both learning-teaching processes and the economic and social functions of education. Additionally, new developments across the world such as the limitations brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have shown us the necessity to improve teachers’ know-how in using technology in instruction because they will need it during such times. The main needs detected are common in the different regions and the organizations that make up the consortium are related to the fact that there is a lack in terms of digital skills. According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (2020), Portugal, Germany, and Greece are ranked 20th, 12th, and 27th out of 28 respectively. Also according to the conclusions of the report Digital Education in Schools in Europe (2019), in the partner countries of this project, the shortcomings that the system and teachers have in relation to digital skills are evident. These data are confirmed in the organizations and regions where these organizations operate.
The benefits/qualifications we aim to develop with our project are: